Dr. Colleen Huber: "People in 110 Countries Were Killed by COVID Vaccines"

Landmark Study: Worldwide Rise in All Cause Mortality after COVID Shots. IN 110 COUNTRIES, deaths from all causes spiked upward right after COVID shots. Every inhabited continent was hit hard.


Dr. Colleen Huber, [pictured on right].

Jul 24, 2024

Denis Rancourt, PhD and colleagues Hickey and Linard have just released a 521-page opus on excess all-cause mortality throughout the world, 2020 through 2023. (The reader may be aware that what is termed ”excess mortality” is the difference between observed and expected numbers of deaths in a given country over a year.) The authors examine governments’ reported mortality statistics from 125 countries around the world, which were those with sufficient data to make comparisons. 

Below, I break down these countries by continent, showing deaths increased sharply in ALL inhabited continents after the COVID vaccine rollouts. ...

The researchers’ report may be found here:  [1]


Rancourt et al show that COVID vaccine rollouts to billions of people around the world increased all-cause mortality.  That is to say that the COVID vaccines may have caused the deaths of individuals in several ways primarily, but if one considers the aggregate increase in all-cause mortality, comparing heavily vaccinated with least vaccinated countries, the mortality was far greater in the heavily vaccinated countries after the vaccine rollout when compared to the least vaccinated countries.

Many of these countries had no increase in all-cause mortality whatsoever through the first years of COVID, until right after rollout of the first COVID vaccine dose. This list of those countries is from every major populated continent.  Those countries with no increase in all-cause mortality until shortly after the first COVID vaccines include: 

Bahamas, Cuba, Finland, French Polynesia, Gibraltar, Iceland, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Monaco, Mongolia, Namibia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norway, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Surinam, Taiwan, Thailand and Uruguay.  [2]

Countries that had a large excess all-cause mortality peak after the booster rollout of December 2021 to January 2022 included the following: 

Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.  Later those same countries had another peak of excess all-cause mortality after the December 2022 to January 2023 rollout of yet another booster, along with Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Macao, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States. [3]

Of the 125 countries examined by the authors, “37 countries (30% of countries) have no detectable excess all-cause mortality in 2020” for at least the first nine months of the declared pandemic.  Again, this list spans all inhabited continents (only excluding Antarctica).  [4]  India is a 38th country on this list, but because of its unusual COVID circumstances, is considered separately.

Of the 125 countries examined, there are 110 countries that have sufficient vaccination data and mortality data to determine if there exists a temporal association between the two categories.

The authors found that in all 110 countries there were significant correlations between COVID-19 vaccine rollouts on the one hand and temporally close peaks or increases in excess all-cause mortality on the other hand.  [5]

These countries span the entire inhabited world.  However, Africa was much less affected than the other inhabited continents, to the extent that I discuss here....