Steve Kirsch's January 10th newsletter presents data from two surveys concerning blood clots.
The "Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey," authored by Thomas Haviland, and concluded in January 2024, presents a viewpoint involving embalmers from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.[1] The other survey, titled “Embalmer Blood Clot Survey,” was completed in 2023 with a primary focus on the United States.[2] The survey includes comments by embalmers:
#8 Almost every body that I embalm [has] lots of clots...; and
#9 [I] embalmed over 500 people from 2020 to now and never have seen any of this...[3]
Kirsch also provides these thoughts:
* The jabs are killing massive numbers of people.
* 600,000 American deaths a year and nobody cares. What is it going to take to get their attention?
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[1] Thomas Haviland, "Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey," December 2023-2024, (269 embalmers from the US, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia);
[2] "Embalmer Blood Clot Survey," at
[3] Id., pp. 13-14.